The Empress of Time - Book Review

Book review

Star rating: 4,5/5 stars

Book title: The Empress of Time

Author: Kylie Lee Baker

Page Count: 411 pages

Publishing date: October 4th 2022

Following Ren’s journey through survival and identity, this book takes place 10 years after the events of the first installment.

For a better context, since this is the second installment, I gave the first book 5 stars.

As the last book ended on a dramatic ending, I was expecting to pick up with our characters where we last left off, but it was not the case. As I do understand that entering the second book 10 years after said ending might upset some readers, I really did enjoy the time gap. I still very much enjoyed the characters as well as some new characters that were introduced.

I like the writing and how the author structures Ren’s journey and send her off on a wild goose chase. I feel like she reveals just enough to keep the reader’s interest up. I love to follow gods and to read about them as imperfect almost human-like flawed creatures. But as a new goddess, I have to admit I was expecting Ren to go through a more significant change in her pesonnality and decision-making as a new goddess. I was expecting her to be much more powerful but she was still powerless and kept on relying on others to save her.

Other than that, I still loved how this story developped and mostly ended. I loved the twist and turns that it offered and really enjoyed the reading experience. It is the reason why I am giving this book 4,5 stars. I recommend it to people who love to read stories about myths, mythologie, gods and godesses, as well as journey type stories.

Thank you to NetGalley and Inkyard Press for the e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.


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