Daudey Artisterie 2.0

Welcome to my brand new website!

I am very proud to present to you my brand new website! I have been working on this project for a couple of months now. Those of you who know me know that I usually work on many projects at the same time. It is why I decide to work on this website. Between having my Etsy shop, my Booktube channel (Youtube), my Booktok account (Tiktok), I was a bit all over the place. Today, Etsy no longer suits me regarding my company and I wanted to find a viable solution that would regroup most of my projects altogether and that is how Daudey Artisterie 2.0 came to be!

Daudey Artisterie’s mission

These last few weeks, I really worked hard on my business’ foundations. I then thought about what I wanted my mission to be: Ignite the spark all octopus moms (and other humans) have hidden in our daily chaos. Of course, you can still benefit from what I have to offer even if you are not a mom! ;) I do not select my customers. I use the term “octopus mom” because it’s a strong image that reprents me a lot, but also represents the majority of my customers (the mom that manages many projects at a time!).

Basically, my goal is to make your daily routine more pleasant and to sow happiness in the homes of octopus moms/humans.

What can you expect from Daudey Artisterie 2.0?

On this brand new website, you will find all of my projects on the same website. You will find my online shop with items that will (hopefully) bring you joy in your homes! ;)

You will also find an “Event” section where you will find the links to live events that I host on Youtube. They are mostly “Sprints” where I set a timer (with or without ambiance) so we can read, be productive, work, relax, etc. during that time. Between each “sprint”, we take the time to chat and have a bit of fun! My Youtube channel is mostly about bookish content (booktube) and are originally made in the English language. I am a French Canadian. English is not my first language, so it may happen that I speak French with some local fans and customers that only speak French.

Finally, you will find the section you’re already in, the “Blog and News” section. If you do not wish to watch my videos, you can come here and read about blog articles on the books I want to read but also on different themes that might bring joy to you.

Thank you to all for supporting me in this new adventure! Hopefully you too will find the spark hidden in your daily chaos! ;)


My To be read pile August 2022